CYM Women's Team
Lucy Barry
Captain 2016/2017, 2017/2018
From: Cork
Position: Flanker
Fun Fact: Holds the record for the most yellow cards received in a season. Lucy was the inspiration behind the original emoji girl. Lucy "Queen of the Tap & Go" Barry is the chosen one to Captain the gals this year.

Siobhan Leahy
Vice Captain 2016-2017
From: Tipperary
Position: Centre
Fun Fact: Siobhan could create a 15 a side team from her siblings. Including a few subs.
"Tipp for the Double" - Leahy 5-8-16
Carla Dalton
From: Dublin
Position: Hooker
Fun Fact: Carla is the incredibly proud owner of 3 bogs. She also holds an All Ireland 'Turf Footing' medal from Mosney in 2001.

Ashley Harmon
From: Germany, USA, Ireland. (Insert Globe Emoji here)
Position: Second Row
Fun Fact: Over the course of her time with CY Ashley has gained two affectionate nicknames - Smashly on the pitch. Trashly off the pitch. No explanations needed.
Monica Beresford
From: Waterford
Position: Flanker, 12, Flanker, 12, Flanker
Fun Fact: Loving Mother to Archie. One half of Jonica. Top quality marketing skills. Parking skills however, leave a lot to be desired.

Catriona "Cats" Gallagher
From: The Wee Hills of Donegal
Position: Granny, Second Row
Fun Fact: Cats is quite the Benjamin Button of the team. She is getting stronger and quicker with age. An inspiration to us all.
Ciara Flanagan
From: Leitrim
Position: Hooker
Fun Fact: Now relocated to Landan for a year (innit), Ciara once sought out plug adapters for her trip to the UK. Yes, the UK.

Kathy Byrne
From: Dublin
Position: Prop
Fun Fact: Kathy is CY's resident rap artist. She performs a mean rendition of Gangster's Paradise. Once beat Handsome Joe Heavey in a rap battle.
Aisling Doherty
From: Leitrim
Position: Second Row
Fun Fact: Fitness is always to the fore front of Aisling's mind. So much so that she can often be found sprinting home after a night out on the town.
Aisling "Psyched" Doherty

Siobhan Donnellan
From: Clare
Position: Team Nurse, Second Row
Fun Fact: As picture shows, drinks wine from the bottle. More hygienic according to the nurse. Loves nothing more than a "Tactical Nap" Also known to be able to take part in a scrum whilst offering medical assistance to the rest of the team.
Susan "Suzie" Glynn
From: Clare
Position: Front Row, 12, Wing, 10, Second Row. Wherever she wants really.
Fun Fact: Suzie is known for her versatility on the pitch. Covering almost all positions last year- in one game.
Favourite vegetable is lettuce as reflected in photo.
Famous Suzisms-
"If anyone touches my feet I'll kick them in the face"

Jackie " Mayo 4 Sam" Flatley
From: Mayo
Position: Scrum Half
Fun Fact: Jackie is a die hard Mayo Supporter and attends nearly every game.
As well as holding down a full time job, Jackie also fights crime in the greater Dublin 3 area. Known to be a regular informant to Gardai.
Rachel Horan
From: Offaly
Position: Number 8
Fun Fact: Hailing from Banagher in the land of the BIFFOS, Rachel's fun fact is that in her spare time she acts as Amy Farrah Fowler's Stunt Double in 'The Big Bang Theory'. Doing CY proud.

Hannah O' Connor
From: Around
Position: 10
Fun Fact: Hannah is a well travelled member of the team. (Been on Witness Protection since 2001).
She can move her nostrils and ears in wonderful synchronization.
Also in her repertoire is an uncanny impression of Pingu.
Diane McIlhagga
From: Dublin
Position: 13
Fun Fact: Kube Champion 2k16
Diane is an ambassador for Prosecco Ireland and is available for hosting events e.g. Communions, Confirmations, Birthdays.
Diane hails from the dreaded 'North Side' but along with the few other Dublin reared teammates she is being educated on life and people outside of the Pale.

Carmen Blaya
From: Spain
Position: Winger
Fun Fact: Carmen was the winner of "Tan of the Year".
Carmen says the secret to keeping her tan in Ireland was preserving the legs behind the leggings all year round. And being Spanish helped greatly.
Carmen has returned to Spain this year on an International recruiting mission.
Andrea Colfer
From: Wexford
Position: Winger
Fun Fact: Andrea also went on a recruiting mission in the summer of 2016. Her journey brought to Glastonbury. We have yet to hear back on her findings.
Andrea does children's face painting in her spare time. Contact for availabilty.

Lesley O' Hara
From: Mayo
Position: Winger, Forward,
Fun Fact: Lesley is another member of the CYM 'Mayo 4 Sam' crew.
Lesley is a silent but deadly member of the team and is known for killing people with just one look. Lesley also makes balloon animals in her spare time.
Regina Lennon
From: Longford
Position: Winger, Team Nurse or Physio
Fun Fact: Regina has won the award this year for the most injury prone/unlucky member of the squad.
Regina entered CYM with a bang- literally. She broke Monica's nose in game 1.
Regina is known around the world for her photo collages. Contact www.reginalovesacollage.ie for details.

Ev Kearns
From: Limerick
Position: Winger, Centre
Fun Fact: Like the nurses of the team Ev doubles up as speedster/team doctor.
Proud Mammy to adorable team mascot Harry.
Super hero Ev was still faster than most of us at 12 weeks pregnant.
Brenda Healy
From: Mayo
Position: Full Back
Fun Fact: Brenda 'Bone Crusher' Healy is another member of the Mayo 4 Sam contingent.
Brenda once took Bear Grylls to Achill and showed him how to survive on 4 cans of Boost and some cigarettes.
Brenda is currently the bench press Queen of the gym. She puts this down to the Boost.

Kiera McKinley
From: Armagh
Position: Winger
Fun Fact: Kiera has spent the last 3 years of her life working in RTE with the cast of Fair City. As you can see from her profile picture, Kiera is responsible for the facial expression training of each actor - going from delirious to devastated in the blink of an eye!
Lisa Brett
From: Mayo
Position: Winger
Fun Fact: As you can see from Lisa's picture, she is a campaigner for World Peace. Lisa also has a passion for laminating. In her spare time Lisa travels the country giving laminating tutorials to schools and businesses. Such is her fame she is known on the circuit as Lisa ' The Laminator' Brett. We wish Lisa all the best in the upcoming Laminating World Championships in Djibouti.

Jenny Miggin
Captain, CYM J1s: 2017 - 2018
From: Meath
Position: Front Row, Second Row
Fun Fact: Jenny has really left her mark since joining CYM. A purple mark to be precise - her hair on her fellow forwards shorts. Dedication to the CYM colours is top notch.
Eibhlin Greaney
From: Galway
Position: Front Row, Second Row
Fun Fact: Eibhlin is a bog snorkeller by trade. She is absolutely buzzing for winter season so the pitches will resemble her beloved bogs.

Caoimhe Brady
From: Cavan
Position: Wing, Full Back
Fun Fact:
A proud Cavan native, Caoimhe spends her time off the pitch performing in the Bord Gáis Theatre. From Annie to Thumbelina to Sandy in Grease, Caoimhe has done it all. Head down to the showing of Pocahontas next month where Caoimhe will play the background wind in the opening scenes!
Eileen Shanahan
From: Tipperary
Position: Scrum half, Centre
Fun Fact: Eileen is another of the Munster brigade. Among Eileen's hobbies are pottery, origami and performing with a Dexy's Midnight Runners tribute act in Whelan's every Friday night- 'Come on Eileen' being a fan favourite.

Evelyn Clinton
From: United States of America
Position: Scrum Half
Fun Fact: Evelyn has recently returned from 'Merica after a campaign working along side her Auntie Hillary on the "Anybody but Trump" mission. Evelyn has promised us Hillary as a guest speaker for the CYM Presidential Dinner in May. Get your tickets now.
Aude de Casanove
From: France
Position: Forwards, Wing
Fun Fact: Aude is another of our new recruits this year. Aude is known for giving fantastic hugs in the team huddle. Our little french pocket rocket always has a smile on her face - even when we had to break the news to her that we were in fact chanting "Hold" not "Aude" in defence... Allez les bleus.

Promise Chapwanya
Position: Centre
Fun Fact: Promise is quite the gentle soul off the rugby pitch. However, on the pitch she is a rampaging bull who will go through anything and anyone to get the desired result - fitting in perfectly to life in CY. Promise has recently moved in with calming influence Aisling Doherty. Promise is in safe, responsible hands......
Orlaith "Chamillionaire" Phelan
From: Donegal
Position: Forward
Fun Fact: As her picture reflects, Orlaith spends large portions of her time fighting crime in the greater Dublin area. Her special powers include the ability to moonwalk (but only on the moon), the ability to hold her breathe under water (but only when not getting wet) and the ability to tell when its going to rain (but only when its already raining).

Kelsey Cunningham
From: Canada
Position: Winger
Fun Fact: Kelsey has been transferred in all the way from Canadia. When she's not on the rugby pitch Kelsey works with the pubs across the capital ensuring that all their Canadian Beer is authentically Canadian.
Rachel Byrne
From: Dublin
Position: Forward
Fun Fact: Known affectionately as Beyoncé - for her sass and profound ability to play full contact rugby without losing a single semi-permanent eyelash extension. You wouldn't want to be Becky with the Good Hair facing 'Bey on a scrum.

Susan Kennedy
From: Kerry
Position: Back
Fun Fact: When Susan isn't perfecting her skills on the rugby pitch, she can be found in role as Yvette The Maid from 'Cluedo' in live game play settings across the capital. Contact for further details.
Sinead Phillips
From: Clare
Position: Forward
Fun Fact: Despite hailing from 'the country' Sinead has adapted like a ninja to life in the big smoke. Sinead's claim to fame is she still holds the title for 'Bread Buttering Champion 2001'. Buttering an entire Brennans loaf in 1 minutes flat.

Joanna Walsh
From: Offaly
Position: Second Row, Flanker
Fun Fact: Joanna has been drafted in to bulk up our Offaly contingent ( a ploy many believe to be the work of Rachel Horan and Niall Neville, our original BIFFO's.) Joanna has just finished a stint in the Gaiety Panto where , as you can see, she played the role of Snow White. She will be returning to the stage in spring where she will play the role of a cat in 'Cats'. Best of luck Jo.
Áine Vesey
From: Leitrim
Position: Winger
Fun Fact: Hailing from lovely Leitrim, Áine's claims to fame are - playing Augustus Gloop in the parish play last year (pictured). She was given this role due to her "stomach of iron". Our Áine has the ability to eat ANYTHING regardless of its expiry date.

Sheila Zaros
From: Brazil
Position: Winger
Fun Fact: Sheila by day. Catwoman by night. Sheila fights crime in the South Dublin area. Her sidekick is a wild tabby cat from Tallaght and her uniform (as pictured) a bold multi-coloured feather boa. Call 111-CatzagainstCrime.
Aimee Travers
From: Dublin
Position: Forward
Fun Fact: Aimee completes our small but mighty "Tallaght4Life" posse. When Aimee isn't on the CY pitch she works as a covert operative funnelling messages in and out of the Tallaght to the general public.

Mariya Hortashka
From: Bulgaria
Position: Second Row
Fun Fact: Known for her trademark line-out throw, the hallowed 'Bulgaria Ball'. Mariya is CYM's very own 'Beast from the East'. Converting from a Center last season to a Forward this season has allowed for Mariya to do what she loves best - smashing people. She's also the J1s Google Form Master. A role that has helped her track the drinking practices and foreignness of the Division 4B squad.